About Reiki

Reiki is an ancient healing technique that balances and supports one’s energy field to provide deep healing. Reiki comes from the Japanese word meaning Rei (Universal Life) and Ki (Energy). Reiki uses this Universal Energy by having the Reiki Master Teacher channel its healing properties into the client’s energy field. Reiki is a complementary therapy that can be implemented alongside all other medical and therapeutic techniques. It can support healing on an emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual level.

As a Reiki Master Teacher, I understand the deep process it takes to heal, grow, and shift. I am an advocate of the transformative and inspiring abilities of nature. Having witnessed its results in my own life, I deeply enjoy sharing its power with my clients. With a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling, I have dedicated my life to healing. I believe that we are all our own best healers, yet sometimes support is needed. I work with my clients to navigate their healing in a space of authenticity, connection, warmth, and compassion.

I offer Reiki Healings, Ancestral Work, Attachment Clearing/Cord Cutting, Soul Retrieval, Intuitive Readings, Inner Child Work, Energetic Trauma Release, Reiki Lessons, and Ceremonial Healings.

About Reiki

Reiki is an ancient healing technique that balances and supports one’s energy field to provide deep healing. Reiki comes from the Japanese word meaning Rei (Universal Life) and Ki (Energy). Reiki uses this Universal Energy by having the Reiki Master Teacher channel its healing properties into the client’s energy field. Reiki is a complementary therapy that can be implemented alongside all other medical and therapeutic techniques. It can support healing on an emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual level.

As a Reiki Master Teacher, I understand the deep process it takes to heal, grow, and shift. I am an advocate of the transformative and inspiring abilities of nature. Having witnessed its results in my own life, I deeply enjoy sharing its power with my clients. With a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling, I have dedicated my life to healing. I believe that we are all our own best healers, yet sometimes support is needed. I work with my clients to navigate their healing in a space of authenticity, connection, warmth, and compassion.

I offer Reiki Healings, Ancestral Work, Attachment Clearing/Cord Cutting, Soul Retrieval, Intuitive Readings, Inner Child Work, Energetic Trauma Release, Reiki Lessons, and Ceremonial Healings.

My Approach to Reiki

I approach Reiki similarly to how I approach life. When we enter into a healing, we set an intention on what we would like to work on (i.e. better balance, healing relationship patterns, becoming more grounded). With this intention, I honor the fact that I do not know how it will unfold, and I trust in the power of Reiki and your ability to heal.

True healing occurs when we are willing to visit the dark places and move through them with love, acceptance, and trust. As a healer, I guide my clients through the uncomfortable parts until they feel whole, enlightened, and worthy. Reiki is not about fixing and moving quickly, but is a gentle process of shifting and returning to your own truth. In returning to your own truth, you return to universal truth, and that is the foundation of true peace.

My Approach to Reiki

I approach Reiki similarly to how I approach life. When we enter into a healing, we set an intention on what we would like to work on (i.e. better balance, healing relationship patterns, becoming more grounded). With this intention, I honor the fact that I do not know how it will unfold, and I trust in the power of Reiki and your ability to heal.

True healing occurs when we are willing to visit the dark places and move through them with love, acceptance, and trust. As a healer, I guide my clients through the uncomfortable parts until they feel whole, enlightened, and worthy. Reiki is not about fixing and moving quickly, but is a gentle process of shifting and returning to your own truth. In returning to your own truth, you return to universal truth, and that is the foundation of true peace.